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Immigration Enforcement

Securing our nation's borders and safeguarding the integrity of our immigration system is a primary focus of ICE officers and agents throughout the country.

Combating Transnational Crime

ICE is dedicated to detecting and dismantling transnational criminal networks that target the American people and threaten our industries, organizations and financial systems.

Employee Benefit Information

These videos go through some of the federal employee benefits that are available for federal employees.

Multimedia Use Guidelines

In general, imagery, video and audio (multimedia) materials produced for and by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement are considered public domain and not copyrighted within the United States and are available for use. For international use, please contact to request permission.

You may use ICE multimedia for education or informational purposes, including photo collections, public exhibits and internet web pages. Books (including textbooks) require a release for the use of ICE materials – please contact the to begin the process.

Some materials may contain a copyright notice. It is your responsibility to identify the copyright owner and to obtain permission before making use of this material.

Please acknowledge U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement as the source of used material. When using ICE-produced images or videos, use of credit line of "Photo Courtesy of ICE," "Image Courtesy of ICE," or "Video Courtesy of ICE" is requested.

ICE materials may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by ICE or by any ICE employee of a commercial product, service or activity, or used in any other manner that might mislead the public.


ICE photographs/imagery made available on, Flickr, and DVIDS are considered public domain and are not protected by copyright unless noted. If copyrighted, permission should be obtained from the copyright owner prior to use. If not copyrighted, photographs / imagery may be downloaded, reproduced and distributed without further permission from ICE and may be used for educational and informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits and Internet web pages.

Audio Recordings
Audio Recordings

Audio recordings made available on are considered public domain and are not protected by copyright unless noted. An audio recording may be downloaded, excerpted or reproduced and distributed, without further permission from DHS. However, use of a portion or segment of an audiotape, such as talent, narration or music, may infringe a right of publicity or copyright and permission should be obtained from the source.

Video and Motion Picture Recordings
Video and Motion Picture Recordings

Videotape, video files and motion picture recordings made available on, YouTube, and DVIDS are considered public domain and are not protected by copyright unless noted. A recording may be reproduced and distributed without further permission from ICE. Copyrighted music or footage, which is incorporated in a production, may not be used unless permission is obtained from the copyright owner. While in most instances using non-copyrighted segments is permitted, use for commercial purposes of a portion or segment containing talent or a recognizable person may infringe a right of publicity and permission should be obtained from the talent or recognizable person. These guidelines also apply to any and all ICE "live television" satellite broadcasts.


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