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Victims Engagement and Services Line (VESL)

Victims Engagement and Services Line (VESL)

Toll Free Hotline


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Victims Engagement and Services Line (VESL) serves as a comprehensive and inclusive support system for all victims, regardless of immigration status or the immigration status of the perpetrator. This includes guidance on available U- and T-visa resources and information about the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Blue Campaign to counter human trafficking.

Services Provided

VESL will serve as a streamlined and all-encompassing access point for all victims with several service options:

  • Detention Reporting and Information Line (DRIL) 888-351-4024 – Provides victims the ability to report incidents of sexual or physical assault, abuse, mistreatment or human trafficking in ICE detention.
  • Victim Notification System Access – ICE and DOJ/BOP’s longstanding VINE and VNS systems provide push notifications about a detainee’s or inmate’s custody status, case outcome and other basic information to victims, lawyers and others with a vested interest in the outcome of a case.
  • Victim Assistance Support – Provides general assistance and information for victims including assistance for victims of child exploitation, assistance for victims of human trafficking, assistance with local resources and social service professionals, U- and T-visa information, and training and other services provided by ICE for law enforcement agencies and community organizations.

Victim Services and Information

Question: I (My client) am (is) applying for a (U or T) Visa and I (my client) need(s) to obtain a law enforcement signature on the form (I-918B/I-914B). How do I submit my (my client’s) package for a law enforcement signature?


  1. Please visit the page, which lists all ICE field office locations.
  2. Using the search filter options, identify the program office that handled your case.
    1. If it was Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), select Homeland Security Investigations from the drop down.
    2. If it was either Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), or a facility investigator, choose Office of Professional Responsibility.
    3. If it was handled by a local law enforcement entity, please route the package directly to that entity for certification consideration. Do not send the package to ICE for a law enforcement certification signature.
  3. Locate the servicing office.
  4. Mark your package to the attention of that specific field office and include the address. If you know the name of the investigator, include the name in the package as well.


Victims have the right to know


Other Toll-Free Hotlines

Domestic violence, sexual assault, suicide prevention


DHS Blue Campaign
